Archive for April 10, 2014

Last year around this time, I was working out with one of my old strength coaches from Florida State and he showed me his newest ab circuit: Ten Minute Abs. Three great things about this workout: 1) it’s very flexible and customizable, 2) it’s an ab killer, and 3) it’s only 10 minutes!

Basically, you do ab exercises for 10 minutes straight. Every 30 seconds, you switch to a different exercise, so you’re doing 20 different exercises. I’ve included some of my favorites below, so you can pick from the list below or come up with your own! I always love to start with a plank circuit, which I’ve separated into the top 9 exercises below, and then pick from the rest of the list for the second half of the workout.

Have fun with it, and enjoy your new abs 🙂




-Side Plank (Right)

-Side Plank (Left)

-Leg Lift Plank

-Side Leg Lift Plank (Right)

-Side Leg Lift Plank (Left)

-Plank with Alt. Hip Dips

-Plank with Hip Dip (Right)

-Plank with Hip Dip (Left)


-Leg Lifts

-Right Side Crunch

-Left Side Crunch

-Left Single Leg V-up

-Right Single Leg V-up

-Straight Leg Russian Twist

-Scissor Kicks


-Alternating Toe Touches

-Alternating Supermans

-Reverse Crunch




-Straight Leg Situps



-Toe Touches

-6 inch Hold

-Right Elbow to Left Knee Crunch

-Left Elbow to Right Knee Crunch