Core Challenge: Ten Minute Abs!

Posted: April 10, 2014 in Exercise, General Posts
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Last year around this time, I was working out with one of my old strength coaches from Florida State and he showed me his newest ab circuit: Ten Minute Abs. Three great things about this workout: 1) it’s very flexible and customizable, 2) it’s an ab killer, and 3) it’s only 10 minutes!

Basically, you do ab exercises for 10 minutes straight. Every 30 seconds, you switch to a different exercise, so you’re doing 20 different exercises. I’ve included some of my favorites below, so you can pick from the list below or come up with your own! I always love to start with a plank circuit, which I’ve separated into the top 9 exercises below, and then pick from the rest of the list for the second half of the workout.

Have fun with it, and enjoy your new abs 🙂




-Side Plank (Right)

-Side Plank (Left)

-Leg Lift Plank

-Side Leg Lift Plank (Right)

-Side Leg Lift Plank (Left)

-Plank with Alt. Hip Dips

-Plank with Hip Dip (Right)

-Plank with Hip Dip (Left)


-Leg Lifts

-Right Side Crunch

-Left Side Crunch

-Left Single Leg V-up

-Right Single Leg V-up

-Straight Leg Russian Twist

-Scissor Kicks


-Alternating Toe Touches

-Alternating Supermans

-Reverse Crunch




-Straight Leg Situps



-Toe Touches

-6 inch Hold

-Right Elbow to Left Knee Crunch

-Left Elbow to Right Knee Crunch

  1. J. says:

    My last Muay Thai coach did something very similar to this, except it was only five minutes. I found five minutes to be enough, but I’ll try this and enjoy some nice abdominal burn.

  2. […] Is CrossFit for everyone? Nope. But for those that find the right gym, you’ll find a community full of hard working people who work out, motivate, and support each other through their fitness journey. And I bet all of them would argue there’s more to a strong core than Erin’s other equally well-researched piece: Ten Minute Abs. […]

  3. no name says:

    How about some squats for abs?

  4. Bob Finke says:

    Where would a novice find what are “your favorites” and the correct way to perform the exercises you’ve recommended ? Thanks!

  5. Guy says:

    Hey, great to know. I can do an ab workout for only 10 minutes a day that hits SO MANY areas! I tell you what though, because I’m unfamiliar with nearly all of those movements, and it would take me over an hour to search up correct technique for them all, would it be possible for you to just show a video of you doing this 10-minute routine? Much easier! Thanks so much.

  6. Useful stuff, thanks!

  7. Tiffaspilla says:

    great ab workout! i’m a fitness blogger too! lovin the exercises, they’re so gonna burn! i’m stealing some 😉

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